The deadly Brownshirt Trolls are hard at work spreading their lying filth and disease-ridden innuendo wherever someone will let them. Blogger Brownshirts are self-defined by their actions that equate to their predecessors' historical murderous conduct; THEY PERSONALLY ASSAULT PEOPLES' CREDIBILITY, INTEGRITY, HONESTY AND LEGITIMACY to shut them up permanently.
On April 15, 2014, I included the following thoughts in
another re-posted article. In view of the current situation manifesting in local blogs, it appears it needs to be reemphasized:
If you don't know,
"Brownshirts are a collection of thugs who get quite annoyed at those who oppose" them, their judging, their propaganda, wanton personal hyperbolic attacks and their sick never-ending filthy lies they believe they have the god-given right to assault with anyone they want. In the real world of yesterday they were nothing more than a gang of bullying political murderers that paraded around in all their glorious self-righteous impunity. Today, none of them are of the 1% oligarchic plutocracy, but they serve them just the same as their modern-day "Brownshirts."
When you censor and block dissenting commenters you reveal yourself as a sponsor, enabler and protector of these vicious Brownshirt Trolls.
So far I've identified five of blogs providing a safe-haven for two chapters of Brownshirts.
One of these blogs I've already identified and written about. The others, not wanting at this time to provide easy access or advertise in their behalf, I won't post any links. Just know that when you see these pictures where you are.
If you read
Eric Kirk and His Brownshirts - Called Out Again below, you can easily recognize the Brownshirt Trolls' method of operation as Eric Kirk provides a perfect demonstration. First, should you choose to make a dissenting comment about the blog article or any of it's affirming commentary, you will be challenged by the most personal and vilifying diatribe, hyperbole, innuendo, and out right lies such as: "Only an idiot or a crazy lunatic would say that or take that opinionated position." Those kinds of filthy personal accusations are directed at the credibility and integrity of the person making the comment and NOT at the substance of the comment. But not so in Eric Kirk's mind.
In his mind the opinion or idea - the position - is idiotic or crazy. But that is NOT what he said and wrote.
Should the hapless victim try to defend him or herself, they have just proved Kirk's assertion (accusation) that they are either an idiot, crazy or both. Who but such people would conflate themselves with their "position" or worthless opinions rattling around in their empty heads and be "personally" offended? Score another one for the Brownshirts.
The problem when entering one of the Brownshirt Havens is you are stepping into a maze of quicksand totally in the dark. Most of the blogs never post any kind of guidelines or rules for making comments on their blogs. Those that do post something use them to discriminate against anyone they don't like. Clearly, in the example above, Kirk's personal accusation deviates from the blog article or it's theme no matter what it might be. Yet, it is the defender that the rule, oftentime unspoken "rule," is used against should that person dare object to the personal off-theme attack.

In the world of blogging I would consider these thug, bullying Brownshirt's antics incidental and irrelevant. Between the gossip-mongering, hatemongering, ridiculing, and lying about what people say, most of these blogs are nothing more than Troll Dens serving as home-bases for a Brownshirt Chapter. They possess NO credibility whatsoever. I've learned over a lifetime that when these kinds of people raised their viperous heads and began spewing their dishonest vitriol and it was generally passed off by the decent folk as a fad -- well lets just say, they lived to regret their amorphous judgments. Taken literally, the original Brownshirts, their political and general philosophy for existence; what guided and justified their actions as compared to these local Brownshirts, is a mere bullet.
Everything, all creation, starts with an idea. Once that idea becomes accepted commonplace it materializes into reality. These Blogger Brownshirts are only one bullet away from that reality.
[UPDATE :: Friday, May 23, 2014]
I've identified another Haven. This
comment is another good example that the blog owner affirms and lets
go unchallenged for blatant bald-faced lying. Brownshirts' purpose is
to SILENCE all dissenters – people that don't bow down and worship
the Plutocratic Oligarchy they support, empower and defend. I,
frankly do NOT give a rat's ass who agrees or does NOT agree with me.
May 22, 2014 at 12:13
I wonder….
There’s some guy out there who lately has taken to calling everyone who disagrees with him “Brown Shirts.” It would be very disappointing to find out Mr. Berg and this other fellow were one and the same.
For the record, no one is “evil” (except puppy abusers) and no one is a saint. We are just a bunch of folks trying to figure out the best way through this mess called life.
(Who made this scummy bastard God? "For the record" that statement is
just his worthless opinion, and I do mean worthless. The fact that he presumes to speak for everyone belies his wannabe truth - what makes him illegitimate.)
When someone disagrees with us (Progressive, Regressive, Conservative, Liberal) it does not mean someone wants to get the trains going so they can ship their opponents to the Death Camps. It’s supposed to be a civil discussion, where consensus is reached and we make policy for ourselves we can all live with.
(No, in his case, they just put a bullet in your head - they censor you, they block you the moment you reject their lying false accusations and disease-ridden innuendo - see above. In that he mirrors his true father, and He is truly the Evil Father of the Lie. "Civility" died with the first lie. The Browshirts turned it all into war.)
It starts with listening. [Emphasis Mine.]