Sohum Parlance II
District Attorney Race…. Again???
3 days agoHere's what he says:
Next is a Bullwinkle cartoon nonsense - must be an inside joke. (If interested see the link above.)It seems like we just reelected Paul. Was it three years ago already?My good friend John is already posting news of a potential new candidate.Rose is still talking about “how bad it is” – the sky perpetually falling. She’s not quite predicting Paul’s demise at this point, but considering “how bad it is,”his only chance is if nobody wants the position because – it’s all so bad. She’s been writing his political epitaph for years now, and maybe it’ll apply this time. Or the next time. Or the next.
Rose, based upon what you can read in the newspaper, propaganda/bias notwithstanding, has it right. This cronyism legitimizes the corruption in this county. As long as Paul Gallegos is a Democrat District Attorney, he can do no wrong. But then, like most Democrats these days, he says one thing and does the very opposite. Take this for an example: Eureka police sergeant accused of excessive force, making false report arrested; Laird on administrative leave
Murl Harpham and Frank Jager can blow all the smoke they want, they can't fake the facts. Laird is found by a Federal Judge to have participated killing Martin Cotten while in their custody. ("overwhelming evidence presented at trial") Not any criminal trial brought by Paul Gallegos. This guy, Laird wasn't even fired. He was promoted and functioned as a Training Officer. So now you know what Murl Harpham meant when he told Eureka his department was staffed by "tough cops."
This is only one example. The number of people killed by Humboldt County police is replete with unprosecuted excessive force incidents. What is it that Jager says? “He was a bit aggressive in his dealings, but he was a good officer other than that. It appears he went a little too far in this case.” In Jager's mind it's like this guy just crawled out from under a rock! This guy's brutality is a matter of record. I'd say those two guys in Boston "went a little too far" when they killed that cop and exploded those bombs too. Other then that little discretion, their good people.
In my book the people of Humboldt County deserve what they get when they elect and reelect such people. For those of you in need of a lawyer when being prosecuted by the Humboldt County DA, Paul Gallegos, be sure to give Eric Kirk some consideration. I'm sure he'd do you a mighty fine job of representation.
If you believe this is all okay, maybe you should read what Glenn Greewald says here.
In the meantime, I've included the newspaper article in its entirety here.