Monday, November 19, 2018

Communities Make Police Obsolete

PLOT: Progressive Leaders Of Tomorrow
1. Don't feel obligated to defend property—especially corporate "private" property. Before confronting someone or contacting the police, ask yourself if anyone is being hurt or endangered by property theft or damage. If the answer is "no," then let it be.
2. If something of yours is stolen and you need to file a report for insurance or other purposes, consider going to the police station instead of bringing cops into your community. You may inadvertently be putting someone in your neighborhood at risk.
3. If you observe someone exhibiting behavior that seems odd to you, don't assume that they are publicly intoxicated. A traumatic brain
injury or similar medical episode may be occurring. Ask if they are OK, if they have a medical condition, and if they need assistance.
4. If you see someone pulled over with car trouble, stop and ask if they need help or if you can call a tow truck for them. If the police are
introduced to such a situation, they may give punishments and unnecessary tickets to people with car issues, target those without papers, or worse.
5. Keep a contact list of community resources like suicide hotlines. When police are contacted to "manage" such situations, people with mental illness are sixteen times more likely to be killed by cops than those without mental health challenges. [Note: Some suicide hotlines call police and rely heavily on law enforcement. Check local hotlines and make sure you ask about their protocols.]
6. Check your impulse to call the police on someone you believe looks or is acting "'suspicious.” Is their race, gender, ethnicity, class, or housing situation influencing your choice? Such calls can be death sentences for many people.
7. Encourage teachers, coworkers, and organizers to avoid inviting police into classrooms, workplaces, and public spaces. Instead create a culture of taking care of each other and not unwittingly putting people in harm's way. If you're part of a group that's holding a rally or demonstration, DON’T get a permit or otherwise cooperate with the police.
8. If your neighbor is having a party and the noise is bothering you, go over and talk to them. Getting to know your neighbors with community events like block parties is a good way to make asking them to quiet down a little less uncomfortable. Or find another neighbor who is willing to do so.
9. If you see someone peeing in public, just look away! Remember, for example, that many homeless people do not have reliable access to bathrooms.
10. Hold and attend de-escalation, conflict resolution, first-aid, volunteer medic, and self-defense workshops in your neighborhood, school, workplace, or community organization. When possible, donate to these initiatives so they remain recurring.
11. Don't report graffiti and other street artists. If you see work that includes fascistic or hate speech, paint over it with friends.
12. Remember that police can escalate domestic violence situations—especially those involving people of color. You can support friends and neighbors who are being victimized by abusers by offering them a place to stay, a ride to a safe location, or to watch their children. Utilize community resources like safe houses and hotlines.
👍🏾Calling the police often escalates situations, puts people at risk, and leads to violence. Anytime you seek help from the police, you're inviting them into your community and putting people who may already be vulnerable into dangerous situations. Sometimes people feel that calling the police is the only way to deal with problems. But we can build trusted networks of mutual aid that allow us to
better resolve conflicts ourselves and move towards forms of transformative justice, while keeping police away from our neighborhoods."
Source: May Day Collective, Washtenaw Solidarity and Defense, & PLOT
Note: These are (intentionally) not "one-size-fits-all" solutions. Looking for one-size-fits-all solutions is (in part) how we ended up with excessive reliance on the police. How we intervene or respond to harm is dictated by each specific situation, risk assessment, what resources and privilege are at our disposal, and the community. Community building requires nuance, open-mindedness, and work. This resource is merely one, non-conclusive tool among many.
In solidarity,


Friday, June 29, 2018

You Get The Government You Deserve

How many times have you heard that in your lifetime,  "You get the government you deserve" or "you get the police you deserve"? Not many, I'll bet.

Funny how great minds work. I catch hell every time I post this in a comment on the Internet. I wondered who else had come to the same conclusion, so I did a search. It seems a Frenchman by the name, Joseph de Maistre (1 April 1753 – 26 February 1821) was a Savoyard lawyer, diplomat, writer, and philosopher, beat me to it by more than 200 years.

He  also said, something else close to my heart: "False opinions are like false money, struck first of all by guilty men and thereafter circulated by honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing." So attributed to a majority of Liberal Type Americans today.

And his premonition of America's future, providing there is no accountability brought to bear upon the Democrats and their Media accomplices for their assaults on the Law and the end of Democracy. "All grandeur, all power, all subordination to authority rests on the executioner: he is the horror and the bond of human association. Remove this incomprehensible agent from the world and at that very moment order gives way to chaos, thrones topple and society disappears."

Here is a good example of what he is talking about that I got from Facebook.

Maxine Waters is Crazy:

ALERT: Maxine Waters fires up Leftist mob to attack Trump Administration officials, one year after Leftist activist attempted to assassinate Republican lawmakers during Congressional baseball game.

This is what  happens just before neighbors start killing one another. Everyone has the legal right to defend their family from these kinds of threats and assaults. This woman is fomenting insurrection, plain and simple. A few are beginning to see the light.
More than sick. This is the ultimate of evil. America is on the cusp and needs to decide:  Live by the Law, defend, protect and honor the U.S. Constitution - Stop at stop signs - Full Stop. Or die by lawless corruption, anarchy and chaos. We are in the midst of the most deadly assault on Democracy since its inception and it comes in the guise of a harpy.

You Really Do Get The Government You Deserve.

We should all understand, I would think, that our American Constitutional Democracy is predicated upon three legs, Legislative, Executive and Judicial. Destroy one leg or branch and the legal system of government fails. Yet a few days ago tens of thousands of well-intentioned, ill-informed and misguided people were doing just that all over the country: Demanding the Executive (President Trump) stop enforcing the law. These so-called demonstrations were a direct seditious assault on American Democracy. Here is a link to one of a local demonstrator's website posting: Some shots from today’s Keep Families Together march in Eureka.

The Founding Fathers may have formulated the Revolution's successful government on an idea, I'll guarantee you that idea was not the corrupt, wanton idea of freedom we see enforced today in all facets of our lives with absolutely no accountability. Neither the law nor the Constitution gives anyone the freedom or right to harass, intimidate or threaten by act or voice. We do have the right to defend ourselves and our families. We can start by complying with and demanding every law be enforced. -- A good way to celebrate the Fourth. Even though, the truth be known, we're in the throes of a civil war right now.
