The following is an article printed in the Saturday, May 3, 2008, Times-Standard Newspaper, Section B under Faith, North Coast Pathways. It is written by The Rev. Jeri Gray-Reneberg, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Redway, CA.
To all readers of the Joe Blow Report, please read “Find the Spirit of Humility." The Reverend Jeri Gray-Reneberg has touched the spirit and purpose of the Joe Blow Report. She quotes the words of the prophet Micah in the Bible’s Old Testament. Micah was speaking to a corrupt nation that had lost its legitimate right to exist. That nation had violated its covenant, contract or constitutional agreement for want to enforce their own anarchistic free will. These ancient peoples were not corrupt because of their “ethics” or lack there of. Their God-given “good” “ethics” were protected by willful obedience to their Constitution Covenant Agreement. To regain their legitimacy or right to stand as an equal, nation among nations again, all that was required of them was to was recognize what God (or the Universe, if you wish) says is “good”: “Do justice,” “love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”
By doing these things we become doers of good. The Reverend Jeri Gray-Reneberg shows us some of the many practical ways we can become good people.
Find the Spirit of Humility
There is a cherished plaque on my wall, made for me by a calligrapher friend in Iowa, that says “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” This bible verse is found in the book of Micah, Chapter 6, Verse 8.
Even apart from their historical context, these words present an ethical position that appeals to me. Each of the exhortations is perfectly balanced with the other two – and, together, they seem to be an unmatched tool to deepen spirituality.
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