Friday, January 7, 2011

The Arrogance of Stupidity – Lemmings and Lunkheads

“Because of their association with this odd behavior, (mindlessly marching over cliffs) lemming suicide is a frequently used metaphor in reference to people who go along unquestioningly with popular opinion, with potentially dangerous or fatal consequences.” 
"a stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intelligence." 

When I read comments such as this one in the Friday, January 07, 2011, Time-Standards' Letter to the Editor, “Any answer from the Sheriff's Office?” I am really forced to sympathize with police officers and their thankless job today. I give daily thanks that I don't have to make a living on the road anymore when I read some of these kinds of letters (The merging lane lemmings infect McKinleyville by David R. Young) recently appearing in the Times-Standard newspaper.

When I drove commercial vehicle interstate and whenever I encountered these kinds of drivers, immediately a big neon sign began flashing all over their vehicles: HAZARD! These people are a wreck waiting to hurt or kill someone, driving around in their arrogant, self-righteous, judgmental stupor. Notice what he says in his very first two sentences: “Recently I was traveling south on the 101 corridor I was going 51 miles an hour and behind me was a sheriff's patrol car. I was in the left lane and we continued on for some time with him behind me.” Anyone with a modicum of sense, consideration and decency, not to mention a working understanding of law governing traffic and driving in California, when seeing any police car come up behind you when driving in the left lane, GETS OVER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! 

Of all the things that define Mr. Huber, this is the one that inspired this blog observation: " ... [I]f both lanes are by miles an hour there is no fast lane you can ride in either on there is no law that I know of that stipulates you must be in the right hand lane is there?" Notice it NEVER crossed his mind to get over to let the faster traffic go by. As long as he was mostly obeying the speed limit everyone else could go to hell. That's why we have laws, to deal with these kinds of people. Maybe one of Mr. Huber's friends will give him a CA Driver Handbook and mark the laws that govern this issue. I rather doubt even that would do any good. He certainly didn't accept the trained police officer's authority on the matter.

Notice the arrogant disclaimer that defines his actual state of mind when he wanted to know how he could be impeding traffic in what he says was a 50 MPH zone when he was really doing a measly “ONE” mile over the speed lime. James Huber says: “His answer was: “I flashed you twice with my bright lights to pull over. You did not respond.” Now this was at 7:30 p.m. I surely would have noticed that he did not flash me.” He admits he was holding up traffic, speeding and then he calls the Deputy a stupid liar. Moreover he then has the audacious temerity to get it published in the local newspaper. [Emphasis added]

The law is specific on these matters regardless of whether or not you are going the speed limit. The problem with these kinds of drivers is that they think they are the traffic cops with the right to tell everyone else how to drive, but when they get pulled over, Katie bar the door! Problem with this kind of mentality is that no one is morally, ethically or legally endowed with the right to tell anyone how to drive. It is the “law” tells everyone how to drive. All the police do is enforce the law – BIG DIFFERENCE.

When you take it upon yourself to judge law by deliberately violating that law as if you have the right, you judge law. The LAW gives that right to only a select few people and they are the Supreme Court Justices. So when people, like these guys, take it upon themselves to judge law they subvert the authority and legitimacy of the law and everyone that enforces and judges those laws. Is it any wonder, then, why the courts and enforcement officers get personally offended when dealing with such people?

Clearly this officer was trying to do this “man” a favor. Does he appreciate the gift? Hardly. He sends a letter to the newspaper and fully expects some sort of apology from the Sheriff. That officer would have done EVERYONE a favor by giving this guy a ticket. And if I had my way, forced him to be interviewed by the DMV for competency and made to take written and driving test to prove his right to a driver's license.

I've driven in some states where the Sheriff's officers enforced traffic laws same as the Highway Patrol. I'd like to see more of that in Humboldt County. Far too many times I witness Highway Patrol officers just roll by people trying to bully trucks and other cars on the highway. Sheriff's patrol cars are, it seems to me, less obtrusive then the CHP and people are not expecting them.

Personally, I've been commercially licensed from the first day I was legally eligible and still carry a Class A license.

Here's a copy of the letter by James Huber of Fortuna, CA:
Any answer from the Sheriff's Office?
Letter to the Editor
Posted: 01/07/2011 09:13:24 AM PST

Recently I was traveling south on the 101 corridor I was going 51 miles an hour and behind me was a sheriff's patrol car. I was in the left lane and we continued on for some time with him behind me. And to my amazement about halfway through he threw on his lights on to pull me over, which I did immediately. Upon pulling over the officer approached the car and asked me the obligatory question, “Do you know why I pulled you over.” (I thought to myself if I knew I would not have done it) I said no officer what have I done. His response was, “You were impeding the flow of traffic.” I was shocked. I asked how could I be impeding the flow of traffic if I am going 51 miles an hour and the speed limit is 50 miles an hour. His answer was: “I flashed you twice with my bright lights to pull over. You did not respond.” Now this was at 7:30 p.m. I surely would have noticed that he did not flash me. Secondly this officer never approached far enough up to my window so I could see his badge number or name he always stood at the post between the front and rear door of my vehicle. Luckily I was not ticketed. He said this would be a warning but a warning for what? Are you supposed to go faster than 50 miles an hour posted how fast should you go I have known people who have gotten tickets for going 52 miles an hour and if both lanes are 50 miles an hour there is no fast lane you can ride in either one there is no law that I know of that stipulates you must be in the right hand lane is there? Would love to see an answer from the Sheriff's Department on this.

James Huber

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